Gloria Warren posted a status
Sep 21, 2023
Submit your heart unto the Lord that He may allow His good work to arise in you.

💟 P R A Y E R 》》》
• Lord, search me and know me. Rekindle the fire in my heart that ultimately burns for you.
• Set this flesh on fire that you might be glorified through the perfecting of my spirit.
• Cleanse the chambers of my heart and remove every seed that has sprung forth causing me to desire the Forbidden thing(s).
• Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
• A new heart you promised to give me, and a new spirit you promised to put within me.
• Take away the stony places of my heart and create a perfected one of flesh.
• Teach me not to lean onto my own understanding - for your Word declares that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: only you can know it.
• I reject the Forbidden thing and cling to righteousness all the days of my life.
In Jesus name, amen.
#theeloquentwife 💟 She speaks her truth in love and yields every fiber of her being unto the Lord.

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